Dr. Gary Polonsky Bust

Possibly one of Durham College (DC) and University of Ontario Institute of Technology’s (UOIT) most intimate pieces, the bronze bust of Dr. Gary Polonsky, located in the Campus Library study hall is filled with unspoken history. Sculpted by Zheng, Yi Bo in 2008, the bust was donated to the campus by Shu, Xin, chairman, Canadian Chinese General Chamber of Industry and Commerce in 2011.

Polonsky is most notable as the president of DC, serving from 1988 and as the founding president of UOIT from 2001, serving as president of both institutions until his retirement in 2006. Polonsky was an advocate and firm supporter of education and was committed to the success of all students. As inscribed on the statue’s plaque: legend has it, if you rub the top of the statue’s head and study hard, you will achieve high grades.